The New York State Department of Taxation and Finance ("DTF") files tax warrants in county clerks' offices throughout the state. Pursuant to section 6 of the Tax Law, DTF sends the Department of State a notice of the fact that such tax warrants have been filed. The Department of State now maintains an electronic data base of the tax warrant-related notices presented by DTF. These notices may be searched by taxpayer name, by taxpayer city, by county of tax warrant filing, or by any combination of the foregoing.

Please note that DTF first files a tax warrant in a county clerk's office, and then files a notice of such filing in this office. As a result, in most cases there will necessarily be some gap between the time of filing of the actual tax warrant in the county clerk's office and the time of filing of the notice of such filing in this office. Therefore, searchers are encouraged to search in the offices of the appropriate county clerk(s) to determine the most recent status of filing(s) against a given taxpayer.

Inquiries regarding tax warrants in general should be directed to the New York State Department of Taxation and Finance. You may wish to visit DTF's frequently asked questions page regarding tax warrants at [NYS Taxation & Finance: Frequently Asked Questions about warrants.](Opens new window)

This database is current through March 28, 2025 06:00 AM EDT

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(Required items are in red and marked by a trailing "*")

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Searches performed on this web site are not official searches of the StateTax Warrant Notice Data Base. In particular, but not by way of limitation, searches performed using the Department of State's web site are not considered to be "official" searches.

Results of searches performed using this web site (whether such results are displayed, stored, or printed) are not considered to be certified by the New York State Secretary of State's Office. In particular, but not by way of limitation, results of such searches (whether such results are displayed, stored, or printed) are not considered to be certified by the New York State Secretary of State's Office.

While the New York State Department of State makes reasonable efforts to ensure the accuracy of information contained on this web site, it makes no representation or warranty as to the correctness or completeness of the information contained on or available through this web site.

The New York State Department of State is not responsible for the content of any record in the StateTax Warrant Notice Data Base, and the New York Department of State makes no representation or warranty regarding the validity or effectiveness of any record in the State Tax Warrant Data Base. Users of this web site are solely responsible for interpreting the meaning of records viewed on and/or printed from this web site. The New York State Department of State makes no representation, NO WARRANTY OF MERCHANTABILITY, NO WARRANTY OF FITNESS FOR ANY PARTICULAR PURPOSE, and no other warranty of any kind or description, with regard to the StateTax Warrant Notice Data Base information management system or any computer hardware or software used to maintain or search the StateTax Warrant Notice Data Base information management system or to display the results of any search.

Printing Search Results

In some cases, one or more of the items that appear in the on-screen display of State Tax Warrant Notice search results may be dropped when the search results are printed in hard copy.

Users are cautioned to compare the on screen display with the printed hard copy. If items are missing from your printed hard copy, you may wish to adjust your printer settings (font, line spacing, etc.) in an effort to obtain complete results in hard copy form.

Please recall that searches performed on this web site are not official searches of the State Tax Warrant Notice Data Base, and results of searches performed using this web site (whether such results are displayed, stored, or printed) are not considered to be certified by the New York State Secretary of State's Office.

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